Python Basic Course


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Unlock your child's potential with our engaging online Python Basic Course tailored for ages 11-17! In this fun and interactive program, kids will learn the fundamentals of programming, boosting their problem-solving skills and setting them on a path to future success in technology. Equip your child with a valuable skill set that opens doors to techonology, critical thinking, and exciting opportunities in the digital world. Enroll today and ignite a passion for coding that will shape their future!"

erhan duyku
erhan duyku
  1-3 years
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About program

Welcome to our comprehensive online Python Basic Course designed specifically for kids aged 11-17! In this dynamic learning environment, we prioritize fostering a love for coding while imparting essential programming skills that will benefit your child's future.

Class Environment: Our virtual classrooms are engaging, safe, and interactive. We understand the importance of a supportive atmosphere for young learners, and our experienced instructors create an inclusive space where questions are encouraged, and each child's progress is celebrated. Through live sessions, collaborative projects, and peer interaction, we ensure a well-rounded educational experience.

Teaching Goals: The primary goal of our Python Basic Course is to empower your child with a foundational understanding of programming. We aim to demystify coding concepts, instill problem-solving skills, and nurture logical thinking. By the end of the course, students will have the confidence to write and comprehend Python code, setting the stage for advanced programming pursuits.

Methodology: Our curriculum is crafted to make learning Python enjoyable and accessible for young minds. We employ a blend of video lessons, hands-on coding exercises, and real-world projects to reinforce theoretical knowledge with practical application. Our instructors use age-appropriate examples and relatable scenarios to ensure that the learning journey is both educational and fun.

Throughout the course, students will gradually progress from basic syntax and control structures to more advanced concepts. Regular assessments and feedback sessions are integrated to track individual growth and provide personalized guidance.

Why Choose Our Program: Learning Python at an early age is an investment in your child's future. In today's digital age, coding is a fundamental skill that opens doors to various career paths. Beyond the immediate benefits of improved problem-solving and analytical skills, our course aims to ignite a passion for technology, fostering a mindset of continuous learning that will serve your child well in any future endeavor.

Equip your child with the skills needed to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape. Enroll in our Python Basic Course today and witness the transformation as your child embarks on a journey of discovery, creativity, and innovation. Prepare them for a future where technology is not just a tool but a language they fluently speak.



4 lessons

$14.24 per lesson
  1 lesson per week
$56.94 monthly
Most popular

8 lessons

$13.59 per lesson
  2 lessons per week
$108.71 monthly

12 lessons

$13.26 per lesson
  3 lessons per week
$159.18 monthly

16 lessons

$12.94 per lesson
  0 lesson per week
$207.06 in total

4 lessons

$7.76 per lesson
  1 lesson per week
$31.06 monthly
Most popular

8 lessons

$7.12 per lesson
  2 lessons per week
$56.94 monthly

12 lessons

$6.79 per lesson
  3 lessons per week
$81.53 monthly

16 lessons

$6.47 per lesson
  0 lesson per week
$103.53 in total
erhan duyku

erhan duyku


Meet Your Code Coach: Erhan – The Whiz Kid Whisperer!

Hey, coding champs! I'm Erhan, your go-to Code Coach, and I'm here to be your partner in this thrilling journey into the magical world of coding.

Why Choose Me as Your Code Coach? I'm not your average tech guru; I'm a coding enthusiast with a passion for coaching. With a solid background in scratch and python I've mastered the art of simplifying coding complexities and making learning an exciting adventure.

What Can You Expect? Think of me as your personal guide through the coding maze. I'm here to provide one-on-one support, share industry insights, and help you develop the skills you need to become a coding whiz.

The Coaching Advantage:

  • Tailored Guidance: Everyone's coding journey is unique. I'll work closely with you to understand your goals and tailor our sessions to match your pace and style.
  • Real-World Wisdom: Beyond the syntax, I'll share practical tips and real-world examples, giving you a sneak peek into how coding is applied in the tech universe.
  • Goal-Crushing Sessions: Whether you're a coding novice or already a pro, our coaching sessions will focus on breaking down challenges, setting achievable goals, and celebrating your victories.

Our Coding Expedition: Together, we'll embark on a coding expedition where every challenge is an opportunity to grow. I'll be your coach, your mentor, and your biggest coding buddy, guiding you towards coding excellence.

Ready to level up your coding game? Enroll in our online courses and let's kickstart your coding adventure. Your personal Code Coach is here to turn every coding challenge into a triumph! 

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